Over the past years, John Mouton, Senior Advisor to the President of Auburn University had received a variety of input on the construction of a performing arts complex. As of Spring 2008, existing facilities needed expansion and renovation; campus development had made community access difficult; and Auburn’s peers had relatively large, up-to-date performing arts facilities, as did arch-rival, University of Alabama. Though campus planning and construction were long-term endeavors theoretically outside economic cycles, construction of a performing arts center competed with every other project the university considered, and with the downturn, competition intensified. Executive Vice President Don Large acknowledged that Auburn had an obligation to provide and promote performing arts; and President Jay Gogue, knew first-hand the impact the arts could have on the well-being of a community. In the fall of 2007, President Gogue had solicited input from the university on key elements of a strategic plan. A first draft included 62 such elements; but a Performing Arts Center failed to receive mention. Should Auburn embark on this ambitious construction project or not? This case includes a video, which contains interview footage of several Auburn University staff members including President Dr. Jay Gogue, Dean, College of Liberal Arts Anna Gramberg, Senior Advisor to the President John Mouton, Professor & Chair, Department of Theater Dan LaRocque, Acting Head, Department of Music Dr. Phil Lewis, Executive Vice President, Dr. Don Large, Vice President, Development Dr. D.R. McGinnis.
Publication Date: 2008-01-01
Suggested Citation: Bruce Kuerten, "A Performing Arts Center at Auburn University (2008)," Yale Theater Management Knowledge Base Case 08-22, January 1, 2008
Keywords: Case Video, Performing Arts, Facilities, Governance, Organizational Direction, Alignment, Competition, Strategy, School Partnerships, University Partnerships
Teaching Notes: No
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